Friday, September 27, 2013

Tutorials: Good Faction: Rohan

Princeofdolalmroth here, I'm here to discuss the basics on playing factions of men. The first turn while playing as Rohan (in the 3.2 mod, Medium/Medium) should consist of building all economic upgrades (especially farms) in all of your provinces with the exception of Hornburg, along with building a diplomat to forge some alliances. This must be your priority military settlement, and should start out by building the Ballista-maker to prepare for the blitz of Isengard. An army must be created by collecting all of the troops you possess west of Aldburg and moving them to either the Hornburg or Edoras. An army can also be created to take the rebel settlements to the north of Rohan (Fangorn, Limlight Fort, and Tirith Thoron), but this is optional. Place the Army you created at Edoras or Hornburg under either King Thengel or Erkenbrand, since they possess the leader abilities.
          The ballista should be ready by then (you only need one), so build these ballista, and if you have the available money, build the next cavalry building in Edoras so you can train Rohan Rider, should the battle for Isengard go ill. from there send the army straight to Isengard for the attack, and take it from them. from there the enemy WILL spawn in an army to retake Isengard. Be sure you have a strong infantry base for your army (Axemen and Swords if available) along with Hemingas from the Hornburg to beat off this attack. from there you have two basic options, either to continue the offensive or to gain a temporary ceasefire.
           If you continue the offensive, the basic strategy is to take Duneard LAST to prevent another autospawned army from coming in for Isengard. If you manage to destroy Isengard before then by killing all of the generals then basically preform a cleanup operation on the rest of Isengard's former territory. Culture Buildings take priority in construction for former Isengard settlements. If you control all the territory south of the western river where Tharbad is, along with all the territory south of Lorien, then you should have free reign to pick your next targets. The most obvious is the Misty Mountain Orcs. Build up your economy some more and proceed to build two quality Rohan armies (Riders, Helmingas, Axemen or Swordsmen, and if available, dismounted lancers or royal guardsmen). From there take Moria and proceed to move up the mountains at your own leisure. I hope you found this post helpful for your campaigns to be as Rohan.


Salutations my fellow Knights and Squires! Tis' I, the princeofdolalmroth! I am an avid player of the Total War Series and have been playing for the past 7 years. I live on the beaches of Lake Michigan, east side, only a few miles from my friend, Sapoman. I am a senior in Saint Joseph High School, and have been living in the area for my entire life. I am planning on uploading to my youtube series very soon, seeing as my computer is almost repaired. I listen mostly to classical, rock, country, and other music. I look forward to seeing you all in my posts and comments soon!